
These blogs are going to be continues, meaning they will be updated as I move along in life, one day I feel one way about something the next I might feel a different way about it, these blogs are experiences in my programming life with minimal editing, so yeah its going to be rough but I do not want to do alot of edits to these blogs because I want the content to be what it is when I wrote it, I want to laugh at my mistakes one day. I am going to be randomly adding content to the different blogs, I will come up with a way to notify which blog has been updated. Anyways all of what i write here is me, my opinion as I am learning about my interests nothing here should be taken as the absolute truth, I could be wrong, This is how I understand things.

Music, Medicine for the soul!

I am a loner, I enjoy my solitude and within that solitude another thing I enjoy is music, music is soul food, good food, and what I like to do is really get into an artist, one at a time, I will go through a period where I listen to a single artist and exhaust as much of his/her content as I can, during this time I also like to do as much research on the artist as I can this helps me understand some of the things they are saying in the songs, I will try and write as much as I can about the artists and the albums but always remember this is me, this is me expressing myself through these artists works depending on my state of mind at that time, sometimes I am in love with Lauryn Hill other times its Curt Cobain, theres no consistancy here just me as I float through this thing called life.

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Blave meets Jay-Z

Sunday 1st April 2018

I always knew about Jay-Z but I never really listened to him up until 4:44, this is the album that made me a fan I was in the last month of my internship, I was just getting acquainted with the whole concept of work life and growing up it was also a period in my life where I didn't have any music I actually connected with, like music that helped me understand where I am in life and where I want to be. JCole did this for me throughout college, it's like everything that he said in the songs coincided with what was going on in my life at that point, but thats a story for the JCole blog.

4:44 is about growing up, not the same way JCole or Kendrick Lamar's GKMC was about growing up but more about maturity, more about realizing how the world is set up, more about taking the highs with the lows, on 4:44 Jay-Z was handing out nothing but facts, YOUNG BLACK CHILD THIS IS LIFE, THIS IS THE GAME, THESE ARE YOUR CARDS, THIS IS MY ADVICE.

On this album and the interviews I have watched Jay offers nothing but advice, financial advice, life advice etc. but the most important thing Jay-Z did on this album was teach me that for a man family comes above everything, Jay shredded himself on this album, tore his ego apart, admited to doing things he had denied, apologised to people, called out entire communities for thier bullshit. Jay-Z even though he was still flaunting his wealth, he did it in such an energizing and truthful manner, yes Jay-Z is rich chasing a billion but he wants you to know that you can dream big too and you dont have to suck up to anyone to do it, "I told em, please don't die over the neighborhood that your momma rent in, get your drug money and buy the neighborhood, thats how you rinse it".

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I still dont really understand this album, but I am trying.

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This is the 3rd MTV unplugged I have ever listened to and I like it, this is post 4:44 and at this point I like Jay-Z his vibe and I am starting to understand and this unplugged was just smooth.

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The album that made me a fan, my favourite Jay-Z album of all time, after 4:44 I wasnt just willing to listen I was also trying to understand, I guess the pieces just fell into place on this project.

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Blave meets J.Cole

Thursday 22nd February 2018

If I had to pick a favourite artist of all time it would have to be Jermaine Cole, I have listened to alot of artists in my time and more than just metaphors and witty word play I think a connection is something I really look for in a project and JCole delivered with every song, it was insane, this man knew my life!

The first time I heard a JCole track was first year college around 2012 I think, it was something on Side Line Story, at this time I was not the biggest JCole fan, I was actually a Meek Mill fan, I cannot stress enough how big of a Meek fan I was, I will need to make an entire blog, anyways I quickly exhausted Meek Mills catalogue, albums and mixtapes, JCole was more of a fall back and I only had that one album, but I listened to it alot, it never actually made solid sense to me the way 4:44 or Good Kid Mad City made absolute sense but there was something about cole, the man could rap.

soon after I left for Malaysia and got excess to the internet 24 hours a day, all day every day, I discovered datpiff.com and some JCole mixtapes and man I was blown away, I can't really put a finger on which album is my favourite or which made Cole the default option for me but those mixtapes were amazing.
Cole was different, he wasnt talking about survival in the context that most rappers I knew were talking about survival, he had never sold drugs, owned a gun, been to jail or any of that stuff, he was a kid in college, his mother was on drugs and his older brother in prison, he moved from a small city to NYC and was trying to make it big as a rapper but still worked hard in his studies.
JCole told stories about crazy college parties, first dates, walking into class late, clowning with friends, spending all his money on stupid stuff, sending his mother money when he could and her sending him money when she could, he was on scholarship, I could go on and on but I think its evident that Cole's life closely mirrored mine and I think more than anything that drove me towards Cole, he was the kid that had fun but still some how things worked out for him, I call it luck.

Through every J.Cole album I learned a little bit more about how to navigate through my "young adult" phase and the best part is the studio albums were sort of a reflection to his younger days and this was the period I was going through, the albums explained the mixtapes, reflactions, advice, things he would have did differently, regrets etc. JCole was undisputed for me betwean the ages of 19-23 and I think more than anything JCole moulded my thought process because before Cole I was extremely hot headed and ready to go, throw hands, but after my JCole phase I started to look at life differently, there had to be more, I started looking for meaning, connection, I started learning how to appreciate simpler pleasures of life, and most importantly I started thinking about priorities.

"Because deep down every pawn just wants to be loved!".

Oh actually to think about it I think the album that I would say made me a Cole fan is Truly Yours 1&2, its an ablbum I heard well after I had decided I liked Cole's work but it was so powerful, if I had to recommend a starting point for anyone it would be Truly Yours.

"I know the hood raised you but theres bigger better things!".

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This work I cant put a finger on why exactly i liked it, I was 21/22 and it was amazing.

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This work I cant put a finger on why exactly i liked it, I was 21/22 and it was amazing.

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This work I cant put a finger on why exactly i liked it, I was 21/22 and it was amazing.

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First Cole work I ever heard, didnt blow me away but it kept me interested enough to seek more

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I really liked this album more than I admit I do, the word play was crazy and the interludes were nice, again it wasnt a solid vivid project like GKMC or 4youreyez but it fet into the entire catalouge.

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Here we went back to JCole's home but more than anything this album told me to be thankful for what you have.

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I still need to listen to this tape with my undivided attention but it was a calming tape in a weird way I think I am not yet at a time in my life where I can fully understand it though.

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I enjoyed this tape.

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The kids will be alright!

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Blave meets Lauryn Hill

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Miss Hill, wow.. This lady is life. I started listening to Lauryn Hill because I was reading up on a JCole's song Cole Summer and somewhere he said "this sample was yelling loop me, miss Hill please dont sue me.", so I went and tried to find out who this Miss Hill is and I quickly found Lauryn Hill and she had an album called 'The misseducation of Lauryn Hill', its crazy how vivid this memory is, I had the top bunk, I think it was 2nd year 1st semester, I downloaded the album and placed it in VLC and it was a well crafted project.

I went on a few weeks of nothing but the misseducation and soon I wanted more but I couldnt find anything, this is when I found out that Lauryn Hill had actually spent some time in jail and she came out extremely distant and stuff but the way she went to jail was pretty messed up something about tax evassion, which again she is a musician, you can't really hold her accountable for tax evassion. I also learned that her label sued her for her own music or something like that, its a messy story, long story short them people dan did miss Hill wrong.

I later found her MTV unplugged and man did I not fall inlove for a second time, this was the first ever unplugged I had ever heard and I loved it so much, the album was nice but this was real, there was so much rawness and you can sense her distrust in the media but it was a beautiful tape, from that day on Lauryn Hill was forever engraved into my personal Hall of fame.


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First album I heard and I loved it, didnt make her a personal hall of famer but it is a great album, if you want to try and listen to Lauryn Hill start here, every thing after this might be too heavy to jump at.

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This is heavy content, Lauryn is preaching here, she is speaking in toungues so to say.

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I know I listened to something here but not sure what.

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Blave meets Kendrick Lamar

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Kendrick Lamar.. Kenny was one of those artists you listened to because everyone listebed to them but didnt really get him like that, he was good and you could here it in his singles and Good Kid Maad City but I never really understood the story he was telling up until one morning, I think I went to bed listening to albums on youtube or something and when I woke up GKMC was just starting, now I am human I do my fair share of lying there for 15 minutes scrolling through 9gag waiting for my mind body and sould to boot up.

So I am there lying in bed, just relaxed and for some reason GKMC just starts to make absolute sense, evey song is like an episode in show, every song tells a different story but its all relavent to the entire project and they are in order, its was a crazy realisation but if that wasnt enough it turns out the album is broken down into 3 parts.

  • 1. Kendrick is young and dump, parties, back seat freestyles, hanging with the hommies etc
  • 2. Self realisation, after Kendricks friend gets killed he see's that theres no life in the streets and he can go further if he focuses his energy in music or something else constructive
  • 3. The happy songs with super star features, Kendrick made it

realising that the album is structured like this helped me understand and fall inlove with this project, I listened to it over and over again, always in order, I think Kendrick's Good Kid is the reason why I only listen to albums now, it was so well put together I realised this is the only way to listen to music and I try to find structure in albums now, Kendrick changed the way I listen to and understand music and that instantly put him in my personal hall of fame.

After GKMC I went on to experiment with his mixtapes and I really liked Section80 and OD, I am not really into his new work but I can appreciate it.

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A good tape but I didnt listen to it much, I will probably listen to it again and write something better.

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My favourite K-Dot mixtape, I just love it.

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The album that made me a fun, GKMC, this was a movie.

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Blave meets Kanye West

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Yeezy!! Kanye West was a different type of vibe, I started listening to Kanye in high school, I think it was my final year of high school, I am 18 and my cousin hands me 'Graduation', now I have always known about Kanye but at this point I was still listening to single and whatever was on TV.
I got a Kanye Graduation CD and a small boom box, put it on and the first thing I heard was "Ah Good morning" and wow was that line refreshing, the beat, the tone Kanye used, the content he wrote about, it was just so different from what I was listening to at the time. Ye's Graduation was the first time I actually listened to an entire album in one sitting and replayed it, I listened to Graduation for weeks, I remember sitting in my math finals unable to concentrate because I kept singing the songs in my head, I became I Kanye fan instantly.

I went on to listen to college dropout, late registration, 808s, MBDTF... I was listening to anything Kanye and the man had a brilliant catalogue, unlike most artists I listen to I didnt really google Kanye alot and try to figure out alot about him but the content on the tapes was so honest I didnt even have to do that.

The only Kanye album I didnt listen to at all was Yeezus, I dont know why but I just didnt.

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Great album, start here.

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Great album.

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The album that made me a fan, same sound as the first two but not the same content at all.

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This was music, man. Ye's talents are crazy, I wanted to get heart broken just to feel this album.

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Also a great tape.

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Jay and Kanye came together and gave us some good music, its good music to grove to.

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I didnt listen to this really.

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This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. the year is 2015/16 Kanye, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Solange are caught up in some kind of drama, the music that follwed! TLOP was one of those albums!

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Blave meets Tracy Chapman

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Miss Tracy.. I love miss Tracy.. Tracy Chapman was one of those artists I would never think I would end up liking, she is an amazing singer with a soothing voice.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets Chance The Rapper

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets SZA

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets Meek Mill

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets DVSN

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets Frank Ocean

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.

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Blave meets Young Thug

Thursday 22nd February 2018

I am really into thugger right now but I am yet to listen to a complete album.

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Blave meets XXXTentacion

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore dolores vitae delectus in ea id voluptas iste debitis, quaerat fugit recusandae rerum excepturi quos eligendi dignissimos laudantium nulla autem pariatur?

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I will write something soon.

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I will write something soon.