Following Elon

These blogs are going to be continues, meaning they will be updated as I move along in life, one day I feel one way about something the next I might feel a different way about it, these blogs are experiences in my programming life with minimal editing, so yeah its going to be rough but I do not want to do alot of edits to these blogs because I want the content to be what it is when I wrote it, I want to laugh at my mistakes one day. I am going to be randomly adding content to the different blogs, I will come up with a way to notify which blog has been updated. Anyways all of what i write here is me, my opinion as I am learning about my interests nothing here should be taken as the absolute truth, I could be wrong, This is how I understand things.

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Falcon Takes Off Again!

Thursday 22nd February 2018

So I haven't been updating these blogs as regulary as I would like to but hey atleast I am trying right.

Today I watched SpaceX launch another rocket, its seems they do this every other day now. The Paz mission was supossedly co-funded by spain to deliver spain's Paz satelite into low earth orbit, spain plans to use Paz for some stuff that I won't get into in this blog bu might write about one day :)
The part I was excited about apart from the fact that a rocket was being launched was that this rocket was Falcon 9, you might remember Falcon 9 from the 1st March 2013, 17 January 2016 and 31st January 2018 launches, this excites me because SpaceX is actually reusing these rockets like they said they would and space travel just seems like a reality everyday.

Another exciting fact was that along with Paz Falcon was carrying 2 Satellites for the starlink internet constellation which once complete will provide internet connection to people in low to moderate population densities around the world with affordable high-speed internet access, including many who have never had internet access before. Companies like Google and Facebook have attempted this in the past and to be honest I need to do some research and find out how far along those projects are but I know Elon to be the type of guy who magically just gets things done, so if anyone can win this race its definatly Elon and we can expect a new company soon "The internet company", I legit wouldn't be surprised.

Elon is extremely inspiring, most days I cannot even wrap my head around how one person can do so much, we have had people do amazing things in the past but Elon just pushes the limits, I love to see where all this is headed and how it ends, KEEP PUSHING ELON, YOU HAVE HAVE YOUNG AFRICAN KIDS DREAMING!

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Becareful with the machines

Thursday 14th March 2018

Last night I was bored and got onto youtube again, I live on youtube, I should probably make a whole blog about the magic of youtube. Anyways, I was watching Elon speak about artificial intelligence and it seems me and my hero have alot in common when it comes to thinking about how intelligent computers "think".

What I got from most of Elon's talks was, yes smart machines are nice and inspiring and they show how far the entire human race has come, they can simplify our lives greatly but we need to remember that what we are trying to do is pretty dangerous not because one day the robots will wake up and kill us all which could happen but maybe not in our life time but what we need to look out for are these huge companies like Google and Facebook having a computer in all our homes just studying us, learning what we like and wat we don't, our moods etc, thats pretty scary.

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Tesla Motors vs Everyone else!

Saturday 31st March 2018

The auto motive industry is probably going through one of the most exciting times since Henry Ford built the Quadricycle and again its all because of Elon Musk, I swear Elon has super powers, like how can one man get so much right? wow!
When Tesla first started building electric cars people were beyong skeptical, most even laughed and said it wasnt possible, teh car would be slow, electric cars are ugly, they don't make noise(I still don't understand how this is a bad thing) and a whole host of other semi literate rhetoric that is just beyond me, but Elon kepy pushing and just as with SpaceX and all his other ventures, Tesla and electric cars are the future. Electric cars are here and they are here to stay, they are not goung anywhere its like when Steve Jobs announced the first iphone, large display and one home button or when the first android phone dropped, theres no two ways about it, you either get on the band waggon or you end up being Nokia, host shit once upon a time but a disgrace now. Today I want to talk about my favourite car and some of its closest competitors.

    electric cars 2018

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  • Tesla Model S
  • Jaguar I-Pace

Tesla model S

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The Tesla model S is probably the car that will be remembered as the first fully functional electric car and for good reasons the Tesla is a full-sized all electric five-door, should be six-door because theres no engine.


  • 100 kilowat battery system
  • 0-100 KM/H in 2.5s
  • 540 KM range

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Jaguar I-Pace

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According the Jaguar team the I-pace wants to be the most refinded electric car available, these cars are built to be durable maybe not Landcruiser durable but durable, the I-Paces were put through 8 weeks of continues vibration testing.


  • 90 kilowat battery system
  • 2 motors generating 294 kilo wats and 700 newton meters of torque
  • 0-100 KM/H in 4.8s
  • 480 KM range
  • DC fast charging time 2hours
This car has interesting dimensions it has a shorter hood because theres no clunky engine taking up space and poluting the air, it also has a wider cabin giving the driver and passengers more leg room. Jaguar is pushing to have all its cars electric by 2025 and this is a great start!

Porsche mission E

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The Porsche mission E is set for a 2019 release but I will still add it on my list. its suppose to be super quick


  • 0-100 KM/H in 3.5s
  • top speed 250 KM/H
  • 2 speed geer box
  • Charging time 0-80% 15minutes, using specialised Porsche chargers
  • Range 500 KM
The Mission E is pretty tech packed, with a computer that works out when to break, this means that the pedal isnt actually connected to the breaks but rather sends a request to a computer which will decide which break system to use, theres no reason to use the disk breaks if regenerative breaking from the motors is sufficient to bring the car to a halt.
The charging system is even more fun with Porsche claiming that their chargers can deliver 800 volts with cooling tech to prevent over heating. Porsche has invested heavily in ionity which is a network of charging stations, kinda like what service stations/gas stations are today.

Hyundai Kona EV

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The Hyundai Kona comes out some time in 2018


  • 64 kilowat battery system
  • 0-100 KM/H in 4.8s
  • 470 KM range
  • DC fast charging time 1hour, 0-80%