Announcements board

Note: I no longer maintain this website and its only here because it was a nice learning experience once upon a time.
Taking this website as an indication of my current ability might be misleading, I haven't built a pure HTML and CSS website in years :) I lean more towards react and SCSS now or other frameworks in that direction.

Happy exploting the mind of a young Remigius. I have been working on a refreshed version on this website with react and graphQL, it will be uploaded soon :)

Working on


  • Elon Musk(Electric cars vs Tesla)
  • Music(Started writing about artists I like)


  • Vuejs - I just started learning this really powerful front end framework and I will start making some tutorials to go along side our nodejs backend works, should be tons of fun.

Oh and yes I did change James into a 4Bit advertising bot, he needs to help pay the bills aswell.

I work on these blogs in my free time and lately I have had less and less of that, I will try and keep them up to date, add more content and finish the content I have started but it is pretty hard to balance with work and all, I will need to make up some kind of schedule but I will get it done, thankks for all the feedback :)

I could fix the world if I had the source code.

About Me

I am a tested developer who loves to code, 2 years experience in software development both full-time employment and freelancing. Demonstrated track record of completing projects on time and within the allocated budget.


I obtained my Bsc Information Technology majoring in Bioinformatics from Multimedia University in Malaysia. Bioinformatics is a hybrid betwean Information Technology and Biotechnology, Bioinformaticians are highly specialized computational thinkers, understanding in great detail aspects of Biology and Information Technology.

The Bioinformatics course covers all areas of standard Information Technology courses as well as standard Biology courses, this intense workload and diversity makes Bioinformaticians tough, preasure resistant, pacey, creative thinkers.

Bioinformaticians can work in full-time Information Technology sectors, Biology/Medical Labarotories or in the growing Bioitechnology sector, which is a combination of the two.

I have knowlegde of all aspects of the development stack, front end design as well as backend processes that are critical to the functioning of mobile or web apps but like operating systems they are a piece of software that loves to fade away into the background, making life easier without us even knowing they exist.


Full Stack Developer

Oct 2017 - Present
Rainmaker, Windhoek, Namibia

As a full stack developer at Rainmaker Namibia I was dubbed "Special Projects Geek", which basically means I was the guy they pushed to the limit to get the things no one else knew how to do done. Its a fun job and I love it as its a learning experience every project requires you learn a new technology. I am constatly being moved around to help out on different stacks of the developers team, I handle everything ranging from front end web design to javascript backend web functionality and API building. This constant change in what I do has made me a more versitile developer as I am now use to change, It has helped embrace new technologies, learning them as fast as possible to get the job done.

iOS Developer

March 2017 - Sep 2017
Epnox Technologies, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia

Straight out of college I was handed the dawnting task of not only learning iOS development faster than fast I had to do it completly on my own whilst making sure that we had a beta test in 3 months.
Here I learned about iOS development in both Swift and Objective-C, I also got first hand experience on how apps are built from the ground up, I learned about all the tiny little details that most developers are not exposed to, API designs, Database designs, as well as a long list of best practices for performance enhancement.


August 2014 - March 2017

While in college I decided to take up some freelancing jobs to help me better my skills as a developer, here I learned about dealing with clients, keeping schedules and the importance of delivery.

Talk is cheap, show me the code!.


The following are a collection of part time projects I have worked on. Some I have decided to open source and are available on github, others I have decided not to open source due to customer requests or other factors. (Please feel free to clone and send pull requests for any open source projects, help is always welcome.)

James - By far the project I have spent the most time on and my favourite, James is my attempt to recreate Iron man's Jarvis, He is currently no where close to Jarvis but he has his own twitter account and can currently answer Technical questions such as Math problems, he also provides fun facts on requests.
James is Written in Python and uses multiple API's to gain data, (Everytime I find a fun API James gets a new skill) I am currently working on adding AI capabilities using IoT and Google's Tensorflow library.
OrganiseDesktop ( Open) - I hate messy desktops and I just couldn't understand why people didnt put things in folders so I decided to build a tool that will organise all the files on your desktop into different folders according to thier file extensions, OrganiseDesktop is open source and available on github together with a team of great contributors from all over the world OrganiseDesktop continues to grow in its functionality.
My Github - More projects are available for review on my github page.

Skills & Proficiency

Android (Java & Kotlin)

iOS (Objective-C & Swift)

Python, Django & Flask

Javascript, jQuery & Nodejs, Vuejs



Source Control (Github, SourceTree)

Trouble shooting (Windows, Linux and MacOS)

PC Hardware/Maintance

Problem solving/End-user interaction


Learning new languages


The following is a list of some of the things I consider to be accomplishments.

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Microsoft imagine cup qualification (2016)

The Microsoft Imagine cup is a world wide competion held by microsoft to encourage the youth to come up with new ideas in Information Technology, My project recieved first prize during the qualification rounds and went on to the nationals.

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Vice President of IT society

IT Society was set up to encourage students on campus to embrace technology, our duty was to keep the students interested and active in Information Technology by solving problems they had with IoT and software.

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Java/Android developers club, (2013 – 2015)

A club to help peers learn about java and Android via a peer to peer learning system.

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Started Python club (2015 – 2016)

A club to help peers learn about Python and its magic via a peer to peer learning system.